39 Calculating Your Carbon Footprint Worksheet
Calculating Your Carbon Footprint - UNC Institute for the ... recent electric, gas, and/or oil bills so you can more accurately calculate your household’s carbon footprint. Since your energy bills vary by season, use an average of winter and summer values if you can. Go to: and when prompted, enter the number of people in carbon footprint worksheet for students fluent validation phone number. kiyoko minecraft skin bamboo bamboo cutlery popsocket black and white. city of toronto bids and tenders albanian citizenship diaspora minecraft friendly fire gamerule minecraft enchantment applicator linda hunt karen kline obituary tweed wool blazer women's tangyuan near frankfurt
PDF Activity 4.2: Calculating Your Carbon Footprint • Calculate the carbon footprint for your whole school, or the administrative building. • Calculate the carbon footprint of a business within half a mile of your school. • Create a tracking system for students' monthly carbon footprint. Have a contest for those students who are able to reduce their footprint each month.
Calculating your carbon footprint worksheet
How to calculate a carbon footprint for your business | EcoAct Companies all over the world measure and report their carbon footprint to ... to conduct a basic footprint using a carbon calculator spreadsheet or you can ... Carbon footprint calculator survey | Teaching Resources File previews. docx, 165.6 KB. Survey with questions that address a variety of aspects of your daily life and calculate a score to estimate how much carbon you produce. Includes summary questions that address how you could alter your carbon footprint, and also question the validity/accuracy of the carbon footprint survey. Classroom Resources | Calculating Your Carbon Footprint Objectives. By the end of this activity, students should be able to. Describe the top 3 ways that humans are producing carbon dioxide from fossil fuels. Write and balance combustion reactions for commonly used fossil fuels. Use stoichiometry to calculate an estimate of how much CO 2 is produced each year per person (carbon footprint).
Calculating your carbon footprint worksheet. Calculating Your Carbon Footprint - Mother Earth News The worksheet says to use 20 mpg if you're not sure, but dividing the number of miles shown on your gage when it's about empty by the total number of gallons in your fuel tank should get your... PDF Critical Thinking Activity: Calculating Your Carbon Footprint Ask students what the term "carbon footprint" means. Why do we care about our carbon footprints? 2. Have students calculate their carbon footprint individually using the carbon footprint worksheet as a guide. Review and clarify the math procedures. 3. Have the class share out their data and work together to identify the class high, low and ... Back Button - Free Coloring Pages & Learning worksheets This worksheet shows ways to calculate your carbon footprint. Download. Carbon Footprint Calculator. Sustainability Series. Download. Preview & Print. Share. Carbon Footprint Calculator. Sustainability Series. This printable is part of HP's Sustainability Series. Tap here to see more. About. Calculating Your Carbon Footprint - UNC Institute for the ... Your Carbon Footprint = lbs 11. How BIG is your Carbon Footprint? Come to the front of the classroom and pick up the footprint that corresponds to your total emissions per year. Write your total emissions per year (from step #10 above) on the footprint and tape it to the board at the front of the room. 12.
Calculating Your Carbon Footprint - Mother Earth News ... Total carbon dioxide emissions ÷ 1,000 metric tons/year = Metric tons/year of carbon dioxide emissions Then the worksheet tells us to compare this number with the average per capita carbon dioxide... Carbon Calculator Input the data below collected from your worksheet, Carbon Calculator: Transportation. Note: Riding the bus is a climate-friendlier action than driving alone or carpooling. At this time there is no conclusive data for school bus contributions to CO 2 emissions and is the reason we have chosen not to include school buses as a transportation option. Carbon Footprint Calculator - Conservation International Carbon Footprint Calculator. What's your carbon footprint? Carbon emissions from your lifestyle choices, from transportation to diet, impact the climate. This is a global problem, but you can be a part of the solution. Use our new carbon footprint calculator and offset your emissions today. PDF What Is My Carbon Footprint? Remember, you will be calculating the carbon footprint for your entire household. 3. Click on the "Intro" tab of the online calculator. Fill in your zip code and basic information. This populates the calculator with accurate defaults and allows you to see how your energy use
CALCULATING YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT CALCULATING YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT A Carbon Footprint is an estimate of how much carbon dioxide an individual, a family or even a business produces. Since carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, a carbon footprint can give you an idea of how much you contribute to global warming. Think of your carbon footprint as a measure of your impact on PDF CF online worksheet - CMU - Carnegie Mellon University CalculateYourCarbonFootprint(Instructions:+ 1. Usethepapersheettocalculateyour Household(carbon+emissions.++ HouseholdCarbonFootprint:_____tonsCO2 + 2. Compare+your ... PDF Carbon footprints - GeoBus Carbon footprints Student Worksheet What is a carbon footprint? You are going to calculate your carbon footprint using an online calculator. In order to complete the calculator next lesson you need to find out the following: (use estimates if necessary) 1. How far is your house from the school? 2. How many hours a day do you spend watching TV? 3. Carbon Footprint Calculator Use the World's most popular online carbon footprint calculator, and it's FREE. Calculate your carbon emissions from Buildings, Cars, Flights and other ...
Household Carbon Footprint Calculator | US EPA Household Carbon Footprint Calculator. Many of our daily activities cause emissions of greenhouse gases. For example, we produce greenhouse gas emissions from burning gasoline when we drive, burning oil or gas for home heating, or using electricity generated from coal, natural gas, and oil. Greenhouse gas emissions vary among individuals ...
DOC The Carbon Footprint Worksheet: - Weebly "1. Calculate your carbon footprint." Also answer the following questions as you take the survey: How is a footprint measured? Explain the measure and what that means. What is a carbon footprint? Explain the meaning of an offset. Explain how diet influences the carbon footprint and include whether this has a small or large impact.
PDF Ecological Footprint Calculator - AirNow CALCULATING YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT Keywords: footprint calculator sustainability Created Date: 2/11/2011 3:10:38 PM ...
Carbon Footprint Calculator | Climate Change | US EPA Jul 14, 2016 — You can get a quick, rough estimate of your carbon footprint by using U.S. ... behind the calculator, you can download it as a spreadsheet.
Personal Travel Carbon Footprint Worksheet | Environmental ... Thank you for doing your part! Curious about transforming aviation to help the climate? Learn more * Explanation of Carbon Footprint Terms: The carbon dioxide equivalence (tCO2e) with a 100-year time horizon (CO2e-100) is used for emissions estimates when non-CO2 pollutants are included in addition to CO2. For shorthand purposes we use the abbreviation CO2e.
PDF Activity 4.3: Calculating Your Ecological Footprint • Calculate the carbon footprint of a business in your community within a half mile. • Create a tracking system for students' monthly carbon footprint. Have a contest for those students who are able to reduce their footprint each month. Have the students with the lowest carbon footprint present to the class to share their insights.
Calculation of your personal carbon footprint Sep 11, 2020 · This worksheet walks the students through the steps for calculating their personal carbon footprint. Additionally it helps them consider options for reducing their carbon footprint and the potential costs of those reductions.
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How Big Is Your Carbon Footprint? - Energy Star Oct 07, 2008 · The size of your carbon footprint indicates how much impact you have on . the environment. Overview. Complete the Carbon Footprint Survey and color a footprint to show the relative size of your family’s impact on the environment. Greenhouse Gases and Our Carbon Footprint. The light and heat from the sun support life on Earth and provide ...
Carbon Footprint Worksheet - ElectricityPlans Carbon Footprint Worksheet . Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of your every day activities. Answer the questions below, then follow the scoring instructions to see how green you are! 1) Do you turn the lights off when no one will be in the room? a. Yes b. No
PDF Carbon Footprint Worksheet Example Answers What Kind of Footprint? lesson: Carbon Footprint Worksheet Example Answers 1 Carbon Footprint Worksheet Example Answers . Instructions: Answer the questions below, then fill in the corresponding values on the far right. Tally the values to find your carbon footprint. Only fill in one value for each question, unless otherwise stated. 1.
PDF Carbon Footprint - College of Agricultural Sciences 4. Provide each student with the Carbon Footprint worksheets, Parts 1-4. At the beginning of the Part 1: Carbon Footprint worksheet, students are asked to hypothesize about which daily activities in their lives have the largest carbon footprint and record their thoughts on their worksheet. Students need to do this step BEFORE
PDF Calculating our Ecological Footprint - New York City in their carbon footprint with an emphasis on energy and fossil fuels. Be sure to compare and contrast the impacts of fossil fuels to renewable energy. Pass out the Calculating our Ecological Footprint worksheet. Instruct students to choose the answer that they believe will have the smallest impact on the
Carbon Footprint Worksheet - TeachEngineering What Kind of Footprint? lesson: Carbon Footprint Worksheet 2 . Work space: This total is your “carbon footprint” in the number of pounds of carbon dioxide per year. The lower the number, the fewer greenhouse gasses are emitted into the atmosphere. Review your choices in the survey. What changes can you make in your life to reduce your carbon
What is your carbon footprint? | Carbon Footprint Calculator A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions. The average carbon footprint for a person in the United States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world. Globally, the average carbon footprint is closer to 4 tons.
Calculating Your Carbon Footprint Activity (1).docx ... Calculating Your Carbon Footprint. Overview. In this activity, students will calculate their household's carbon footprint using the US EPA's Personal Emissions. Calculator and will compare the size of their carbon footprint with that of another classmate. In addition, students will be asked to consider the limitations of this online carbon emissions calculator.
what is my carbon footprint worksheet - Lisbdnet.com NRG 154 – Carbon Footprint Calculation — How do I calculate my carbon footprint? By calculating how much waste you produce each week and multiplying by 52 ...
Classroom Resources | Calculating Your Carbon Footprint Objectives. By the end of this activity, students should be able to. Describe the top 3 ways that humans are producing carbon dioxide from fossil fuels. Write and balance combustion reactions for commonly used fossil fuels. Use stoichiometry to calculate an estimate of how much CO 2 is produced each year per person (carbon footprint).
Carbon footprint calculator survey | Teaching Resources File previews. docx, 165.6 KB. Survey with questions that address a variety of aspects of your daily life and calculate a score to estimate how much carbon you produce. Includes summary questions that address how you could alter your carbon footprint, and also question the validity/accuracy of the carbon footprint survey.
How to calculate a carbon footprint for your business | EcoAct Companies all over the world measure and report their carbon footprint to ... to conduct a basic footprint using a carbon calculator spreadsheet or you can ...
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